Gerbier-de-jonc : Find out about the best hotels

Gerbier-de-jonc : A selection of the best hotels and accommodation

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le Relais du Grand Air nc

Le Chambon Sur Lignon 24 km

From 92.51 USD 1 night, 2 travellers Discover

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Gerbier-de-jonc : What travellers said about our hotels

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of a hotel in Gerbier-de-jonc?
The cost of a night in a hotel near the Gerbier-de-jonc site depends in particular on its proximity to the site and its category (number of stars).
Depending on the rates available on, you can book a 2 stars from 63 € per night or 3 stars hotel from 67 € per night.
Consult our search engine and enter your dates to get the exact rates corresponding to your stay.
What are the most popular hotels in Gerbier-de-jonc?
Logis Relais De La Vignasse, Logis Hôtel De La Tour, Logis Auberge Les Murets are among the top-rated properties near Gerbier-de-jonc,based on guest reviews and recommendations.
These hotels offer excellent value for money, with spacious rooms, modern amenities, attentive service and an ideal location.
What are the most popular hotels for couples in Gerbier-de-jonc?
Make your romantic stay an unforgettable moment.
If you're looking for a romantic stay near Gerbier-de-jonc, we recommend the following hotels that have been liked by other couples: Logis Hôtel Les Cévennes, Logis Hôtel Spa Rest. Le Provence, Logis Hôtel Des Sapins.
These hotels offer all the amenities for moments for two: double rooms, dinner for two, activities to share with your loved one... Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection.
What are the most family-friendly hotels in Gerbier-de-jonc?
If you're looking for a family-friendly hotel near Gerbier-de-jonc, we have several popular hotels for family travellers, including Logis Hôtel Spa Rest. Le Provence, Logis Hôtel Des Sapins, Logis Grand Hôtel De Lyon.
Which hotels have the best views in Gerbier-de-jonc?
Several hotels near Gerbier-de-jonc have been recommended by travellers for their exceptional views such as Logis Hôtel Spa Rest. Le Provence, Logis Hôtel Clair Matin - Resort & Spa, Logis Hôtel Le Chêne Vert.
These establishments have received very positive feedback about their view.
Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection.
Which hotels offer the best breakfast in Gerbier-de-jonc?
Our hotels near Gerbier-de-jonc offer one or more types of breakfasts according to your preferences.
The Logis Auberge Les Murets, Logis Hôtel De La Tour, Logis Grand Hôtel De Lyon hotels offer highly rated breakfasts .
Select a hotel from the result page, view reviews and ratings for breakfasts.
Where can I stay with my pet in Gerbier-de-jonc?
If you want to travel with your pets to Gerbier-de-jonc, Logis Hotels offers several options for you.
The following pet-friendly hotels are : Logis Hôtel Les Cévennes, Logis Hôtel Spa Rest. Le Provence, Logis Hôtel Des Sapins.
Do not hesitate to contact these establishments directly to find out their conditions of reception of animals before your reservation.
I am unable to stay in Gerbier-de-jonc. Can I cancel my reservation?
If you have made your booking on, Logis Hôtels allows you to cancel your reservation up to 48 hours before the date of arrival. You can cancel it with a simple click in the confirmation message of your reservation or by contacting the hotel directly.
*Subject to non-specific conditions of the hotel, reservation only made from and within the limits of the cancellation periods in force.
Which hotel with restaurant do you recommend in Gerbier-de-jonc?
For a hotel with a restaurant near Gerbier-de-jonc, we recommend :Logis Hôtel Des Sapins, Logis Hôtel De La Tour, Logis Hôtel Le Bourbon.
These hotels are known for their excellent cuisine and offer guests an exceptional dining experience.
Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection and consult customer reviews.
Which hotels in Gerbier-de-jonc are best suited for a stopover evening?
Logis Hotels Logis Hôtel Le Panoramic, Logis Hôtel Les Cévennes, Logis Hôtel Spa Rest. Le Provence hotels are the ideal choices for business travellers looking for comfort and convenience during an evening stopover in Gerbier-de-jonc.
These establishments offer rooms equipped with all desirable amenities as well as a dinner offering local and seasonal cuisine or a delicious breakfast.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the heart of the Ardèche and the Massif Central, there is a small mountain with a particular silhouette in the shape of a sugar loaf.
It is at the foot of Mont Gerbier-de-Jonc, where the Loire River rises before flowing into the valley and bathing the most beautiful castles in France.
The Gerbier-de-Jonc is part of the volcanic relief of the region and is made up of cooled lava that has not flowed.
These characteristic volcanoes have been nicknamed Sucs in the region.
We suggest you choose a hotel at the foot of the Gerbier-de-Jonc, in Sainte Eulalie for example, and discover all the richness of its fauna and flora.
The hike to the top of the mountain presents few difficulties and is accessible to all good walkers.
It allows you to discover some farms with lauzes roofs and to cross a beautiful forest before being able to admire a panorama including the neighbouring summits and, when the weather allows it, the Mont Blanc, the Mount Ventoux and the Mount Pilat.
If you are in the region during June, don't hesitate to attend the ceremonial meeting of the Circle of the Three Sources, which brings together delegations from villages that are proud to have a source of a major European river in their territory.