Château de Vaux-le-vicomte : Find out about the best hotels

Château de Vaux-le-vicomte : A selection of the best hotels and accommodation

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Château de Vaux-le-vicomte : What travellers said about our hotels

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of a hotel in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
The cost of a night in a hotel near the château de Vaux-le-vicomte site depends in particular on its proximity to the site and its category (number of stars).
Depending on the rates available on, you can book a 2 stars from 69 € per night or 3 stars hotel from 55 € per night.
Consult our search engine and enter your dates to get the exact rates corresponding to your stay.
What are the most popular hotels in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
Cit'hotel Aéro Hôtel, Logis Hôtel La Maison Des Blés, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel are among the top-rated properties near château de Vaux-le-vicomte,based on guest reviews and recommendations.
These hotels offer excellent value for money, with spacious rooms, modern amenities, attentive service and an ideal location.
What are the most popular hotels for couples in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
Make your romantic stay an unforgettable moment.
If you're looking for a romantic stay near château de Vaux-le-vicomte, we recommend the following hotels that have been liked by other couples: Cit'hotel Design Booking, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel, Logis Hôtel Le Cheval Noir.
These hotels offer all the amenities for moments for two: double rooms, dinner for two, activities to share with your loved one... Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection.
What are the most family-friendly hotels in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
If you're looking for a family-friendly hotel near château de Vaux-le-vicomte, we have several popular hotels for family travellers, including Cit'hotel Design Booking, Logis Hôtel Des Lacs Rest. L'envolée, Logis Hôtel Le Quincangrogne.
Which hotels have the best views in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
Several hotels near château de Vaux-le-vicomte have been recommended by travellers for their exceptional views such as Logis Hôtel Des Lacs Rest. L'envolée, Logis Hôtel Le Quincangrogne, Logis Hôtel Ecu De France.
These establishments have received very positive feedback about their view.
Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection.
Which hotels offer the best breakfast in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
Our hotels near château de Vaux-le-vicomte offer one or more types of breakfasts according to your preferences.
The Logis Hôtel De La Villa Biron, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel, Logis Hôtel 15 Montparnasse hotels offer highly rated breakfasts .
Select a hotel from the result page, view reviews and ratings for breakfasts.
Where can I stay with my pet in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
If you want to travel with your pets to château de Vaux-le-vicomte, Logis Hotels offers several options for you.
The following pet-friendly hotels are : Cit'hotel Design Booking, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel, Logis Hôtel Le Cheval Noir.
Do not hesitate to contact these establishments directly to find out their conditions of reception of animals before your reservation.
I am unable to stay in château de Vaux-le-vicomte. Can I cancel my reservation?
If you have made your booking on, Logis Hôtels allows you to cancel your reservation up to 48 hours before the date of arrival. You can cancel it with a simple click in the confirmation message of your reservation or by contacting the hotel directly.
*Subject to non-specific conditions of the hotel, reservation only made from and within the limits of the cancellation periods in force.
Which hotel with restaurant do you recommend in château de Vaux-le-vicomte?
For a hotel with a restaurant near château de Vaux-le-vicomte, we recommend :Logis Hôtel Du Sauvage, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel, Logis Hôtel La Maison Des Blés.
These hotels are known for their excellent cuisine and offer guests an exceptional dining experience.
Do not hesitate to browse our search page to refine your selection and consult customer reviews.
Which hotels in château de Vaux-le-vicomte are best suited for a stopover evening?
Logis Hotels Cit'hotel Design Booking, Logis Hostellerie Le Châtel, Logis Hôtel Le Cheval Noir hotels are the ideal choices for business travellers looking for comfort and convenience during an evening stopover in château de Vaux-le-vicomte.
These establishments offer rooms equipped with all desirable amenities as well as a dinner offering local and seasonal cuisine or a delicious breakfast.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nicolas Fouquet, Superintendent of Finance for Louis XIV, acquired the estate of Vaux-le-Vicomte in 1641, ideally situated between the castles of Vincennes and Fontainebleau.
The property consisted of a castle and a farm, but Nicolas Fouquet undertook to build a new residence after razing several houses and clearing the woods and vineyards.
He even went so far as to divert a river in order to supply his property with water.
The château was quickly built, designed and decorated by the greatest names of the time, including the painter Charles Le Brun, the architect Louis Le Vau and the landscape gardener André Le Nôtre.
When you choose your hotel near the Castle of Vaux-le-Vicomte, you can imagine the pomp and circumstance of the festivities given by Nicolas Fouquet in honour of Henriette de France and Louis XIV.
A banquet orchestrated by the chef-caterer François Vattel, who offered thirty buffets and five courses to the guests served in gold and silver crockery, a performance of a play by Molière, fireworks, music by Lully .
this pomp and circumstance annoyed the young Louis XIV, who himself had to restrict his expenses following the Thirty Years' War.
Vexed, the king returned to Fontainebleau and had his superintendent arrested a few days later by d'Artagnan.
Nicolas Fouquet was sentenced to life imprisonment while the king seized a large part of the furniture at Vaux-le-Vicomte.
After visiting the reception rooms and the private flats of Nicolas Fouquet, don't miss a walk in the park and discover one of the most beautiful examples of French gardens as well as the water features which are staged twice a month during the season.