
Last-minute offers



    Need to get away without waiting?

    Benefit from up to 20% savings by booking the same evening with our last minute weekends!

    With Logis Hotels find your next weekend as a couple, with family or friends.

    By the sea, in the countryside or in the new horizons to escape.

    See all our last minutes

    Our last minutes by region :

    Last minutes

    Book your stay in Logis Hotels establishments at the last minute and benefit from a saving of up to 35% on your reservation!

    Whether you are looking to escape to the seaside, the countryside or the city, Logis Hotels presents its establishments and invites you to discover the different regions in Europe.

    Logis Hotels : last minute week ends

    Logis Hôtels presents you its best last minute offers to enjoy a discounted stay! Book on the evening of your departure, and benefit from 5% to 35% savings on your stay in one of the Logis Hôtels establishments.

    Discover a selection of hotels from our urban brands Cit'Hotel and Urban Style, and enjoy an unforgettable stay in the city today.

    Our Cit'Hotel brand includes 2 and 3 star hotels in the suburbs that combine practicality and economy and guarantee you the best value for money.

    Our Urban Style brand includes 3 and 4 star hotels with a contemporary and design style. These accommodations are located in the city and offer connected spaces and artistic happenings.

    How to take advantage of Logis Hotel's last minute discounts?

    Simply go to our "last minute" page and make your reservation in one of the available hotels. You will automatically receive a discount of 5% to 35% depending on the availability of the chosen place and this until the same day!

    In addition to the discounts, enjoy the comfort of Logis Hotels, a chain that has been specialising in the hotel business for 70 years. Our establishments are located in several countries throughout Europe, and invite you to enjoy the charm of different regions by discovering the delights of their sumptuous soils.

    What are the advantages of booking a last-minute weekend?

    When you're looking to get away from it all, waiting until the last minute can have its advantages. Some of Logis Hotels' properties offer discounts of between 5% and 35% when you book your stay on the same day.

    Whether you're looking for a quick weekend at the beach or an opportunity to explore a new city, our last minute deals are the perfect way to enjoy a discounted stay at one of the Logis Hotels properties.

    Our selection of hotels is varied and includes some of the most popular destinations. Wherever you want to go, you're sure to find a Logis Hotels hotel to give you a warm welcome.

    How do I choose the right hotel?

    Don't know where to go? No problem, take a look at our last minute offers and let us guide you! You'll find the best deals by destination.

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