Advance payment : After receipt of your reservation request, a deposit of a minimum of 30% of the total amount of the stay will be requested. Payment of the deposit will be automatically taken from your bank card.
It is only once the deposit has been received that the reservation will become firm and final. The amount of the deposit will be deducted from your invoice.
Without specific request from you, the balance will be taken no later than 30 days before your arrival date.
Payment of the balance will be automatically taken from your bank card.
In the event that payments are not made on time, the accommodation will automatically be returned to rental and the deposit will be forfeited.
For reservation requests relating to stay dates within 30 days, a deposit corresponding to the entire stay will be automatically taken from your bank card.
It is only once the deposit has been received that the reservation will become firm and final. The amount of the deposit will be deducted from your invoice.
If you wish to pay all or part of your reservation in ANCV checks, please send them to us by registered mail to the following address: Escale cocooning 1 bis rue de Vielsalm 88600 Bruyères, with the reference of your reservation. Attach a copy of your ID. The amount of the ANCV checks will be deducted from your invoice.
Customers booking at Escale Cocooning undertake to have resort insurance for all damages caused during their stay. A deposit will be required if your bank card is not authorized for this function.
Registration of your arrival time (minimum 24 hours in advance)
- Arrivals registered at 3 p.m. will result in a departure for a maximum of 10 a.m. on the day of your departure.
- Arrivals registered between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. will result in a maximum departure of 11 hours on the day of your departure.
- Customers wishing to arrive after 6:30 p.m. must let us know as soon as possible, we will submit your request to management.
In all cases, we thank you for respecting your arrival time because a hostess will be available to welcome you to your chalet and explain how your facilities work.
When you arrive, we will ask you for the identity documents of all people linked to the reservation contract. Visitors are not authorized, no outside person not declared on the contract will be accepted to enter the domain and the accommodation. Our accommodation is non-smoking and animals must be declared before your arrival. In the event of non-compliance, management may terminate the contract automatically and without any compensation.
In the event of a reservation via reservation platform sites such as,, a sales contract may be signed upon your arrival at the request of ?Escale Cocooning? setting out the specifics of your reservation and these general conditions of sale. In the event of refusal, ?Escale Cocooning? may cancel your reservation without penalty.
Non-refundable your reservation is out of time for a free cancellation : Du fait de lacheteur
Toute annulation doit être notifiée par courrier recommandé avec accusé de réception, laquelle prendra effet à compter de la date de réception du courrier. Pour lannulation dun hébergement locatif un emplacement nu :
??plus de 30 jours avant votre arrivée, le montant des arrhes (minimum 30 %) restent reste acquis à « Escale Cocooning » le solde ne sera pas encaissé ou fera lobjet dun remboursement.
??moins de 30 jours avant votre arrivée le montant total de la location reste acquis Escale Cocooning
Du fait de « Escale Cocooning »
Si le domaine est amené? à annuler ses prestations dhébergements locatifs et/ou de location demplacement nu, tout contractant ayant reçu sa confirmation de séjour, sera averti par lettre recommandée, par téléphone ou par e-mail puis remboursé intégralement à concurrence des sommes quil aura versées.
Assurance annulation : Nous précisons à votre attention quaucune assurance annulation nest incluse dans nos tarifs.